Wednesday 18 December 2013

10.12.13 Tuesday Storeroom

Armed with my lists of requirements from each of our schools I spent the day in the storeroom, looking in boxes and making up deliveries for the next week.  We have also promised region 5, the Janjanbureh area, text books and reading books this year, they have not been lucky enough to receive any before and have many needy schools. Kebba and Malik joined me in the store and we made piles of boxes ready to be collected by the Government truck to take to region 5, hopefully before Christmas and then we can make a space to move around and sort things.  At the moment we have three narrow aisles to walk down between tables piled high with up to 10 boxes on top and other breakable items stored underneath.  We are extremely lucky with the items donated from schools, organisations and individuals, all goods donated are given out within our 6 month stay and then we start collecting again for next year.  We always need exercise books and pencils, coloured pencils and pens, but in addition we now need duplo blocks, lots of colouring books, and educational games for pre-school children.  Also first pre-school reading books, the kind with one or two words only on a page.  Steve spent today in the garden with help from Alagie one of the small boys, he dug out more vegetable plots ready for the next round of planting.  Kebba planted a tree this year, a new one for us, it is already fruiting, and according to Faith it is known as a custard apple tree, or cherry moya.  Hopefully we should be able to taste it soon. After a day in the store, a welcome swim and dinner.

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